
Nicole Carey

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June 1, 2021

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Happy Memorial Day 2021!

Happy Memorial Day 2021! If you know me, you know I am ONE PATRIOTIC WOMAN!!! I love our country so SO much. I have endless respect for our flag, our military, our police force and so so much more. Just like the song says, I truly am PROUD to be an American!!!

Freedom isnt Free. Read that and read it again.

Memorial Day Meaning

Memorial Day has such a special place in my heart. To know that veterans have laid their life down for our own freedom, its heavy and its beautiful all in one. What honor these men and woman have to know what they faced each and every day and yet they still continued because of their love of our country. They knew that our collective freedom was larger than their own life and existence if faced with a heartbreaking situation on duty. Aboslutely AMAZING and honorable.

I thank each and every person and family who has lost a family member while serving in the Military. What a huge contribution your grandfather, father, uncle, friend, brother OR grandmother, mother, aunt, best friend, sister has given to our Country. To them on this day it’s our duty to remember and respect all that they have given to our freedoms that we can forget so easily on a day to day basis.

Milstead Military Family

It makes me incredibly grateful for the Milstead side of my family. My father’s family. They have deep Military roots and it’s something I am so proud to be a part of and watch the honor and valor that it takes to live a life of a literal servant to our country. Their whole life pledged to whatever is to come their direction.

On this Memorial Day, it meant more to me than ever. I’ve never felt this deep rooted love as I have. I think it comes with age, maturity and realizing the magnitude of all selfless service given in our country. I am intrinsically proud to be an American and I will continue to be an example, raise my family in honor and respect for each and every facet of the military and police service members that we have been so blessed to be protected by.

Thank You

Thank you to all of our veterans and especially all those who have lost a loved one in active duty on this Memorial Day 2021.

Land of the Free Because of the Brave!

God Bless America


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