It’s 3am and I can’t sleep.. my mind could only think of doing one thing. Reading this book🤍✨ I picked it up at Deseret Book (our LDS bookstore) and I haven’t been able to put it down. The only thing my brain wants and craves to learn is how to TRULY and INTENTIONALLY make our house a home🌟
This is one of the many books I have dedicated myself to read in order to grow my capacity as a woman, wife and one day a mother. I want our home to reflect who we are, our hearts and to be a piece of heaven on earth. A refuge. A sanctuary.
I have found so many wonderful LDS conference talks that I listen to weekly to remind me of my goal and my eternal calling. If you want any of my favorite ones, feel free to message me🙏🏼
Never forget your power as a woman to create. Never forget your power as a woman to create a haven in your own home. Never forget your power as a woman to welcome in new people into your home. Never forget your power as a woman to bring peace into the hearts of those who step foot into your home. You have full control of what goes on in your home. Take control and make it the most beautiful environment to foster growth for everyone around you.
Being intentional is the basis of it all. Where are you spending your time? How are you fostering your personal growth in order to help others? Are you willing to change routines and traditions to be in line with the Spirit you are seeking in your home? Is your home clean and orderly in order to feel the Spirit? I could go on and on… there are so many personal levels of questions and pondering we should each do on our own.
I hope you can choose one thing today to create a true refuge and sanctuary away from the world. Christopher and I work daily on this and I’m so proud of our home, the Spirit we feel here and the continuous growth we are willing to achieve together through the open hearts we have to God’s needs for us and His eternal plan.
xoxo, Nicole 🤍✨
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